About Me

Hello! My name is Sara Wallace. Did you know the gospel is for moms? I didn’t. I mean, I didn’t understand how it practically applied to everyday motherhood. I became a Christian when I was very young, but my grasp of daily grace came much later. I knew I was saved by grace, but I didn’t understand how to live by it.


I married my Master’s College sweetheart Dave Wallace in 2005. (It’s kind of discouraging when the kids look at this picture and say, “Who are those people, Mommy?”) A few years into our marriage we realized something critical was missing from typical Christian teaching: the gospel. There were lots of do’s and don’ts, but nothing about what Jesus had already done. We were starving for it. Around that time I picked up a copy of Jerry Bridges “The Discipline of Grace.” It started me on a life-long journey of discovering the freedom and joy of living out the truth of the gospel – specifically, that it’s all about Jesus and not about me.

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About four years into our marriage God must have thought we needed an adventure because He blessed us with five boys in seven years. We have moved 6 times since we’ve been married and currently live in Idaho where we are starting a new adventure: home schooling! We are members of Coram Deo Presbyterian Church. My husband Dave serves as a deacon and runs his own company from home.

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In 2014 I had the opportunity to speak at a women’s conference and share my heart on gospel-centered motherhood. It left an unforgettable impression on me: I was not alone. We Christian moms are exhausted, anxious, and discouraged for one main reason – we’re not resting in the gospel. We poured into each other’s hearts that day and went back to our homes with renewed peace and strength. I was inspired to turn my notes into a book: The Gospel-Centered Mom. Since then the book has spread all over the world and moms are coming together to lay down their burdens and pick up the hope of the gospel.

This is my life. I am constantly being rescued from dragons, eaten by dinosaurs, and used as a human napkin. I thrive on it – but I am in desperate need of daily grace. If you’re a mom, you’ve got a tough job. You are not alone. Let’s explore how the power of the gospel equips us for this sticky, messy, heart-wrenchingly beautiful battle called motherhood.

I’d love to hear from you! It’s a blessing to hear from other moms who are in the trenches like me. Leave me a note and it will be my pleasure to respond!
