
What to do About Santa

I believed in Santa. My husband believed in Santa. We turned out okay. We didn't walk away from the Lord or resent our parents because of it. Before we had kids we figured we would do the whole Santa thing. We wanted Christmas to be as special for them as it was for us. But then weContinue reading "What to do About Santa"

“Just Breastfeed” – How Not to Encourage Moms During the Formula Crisis

I had an awkward conversation with a grandma when I was a new mom. I was nursing my baby on my friend’s couch when her grandma smiled at me and said, “It’s so good to see a mom nursing her baby! So many moms use formula these days. Breast milk is much better.” I smiledContinue reading "“Just Breastfeed” – How Not to Encourage Moms During the Formula Crisis"

Shame Culture and the Gospel

"Shame on you!" "I'm ashamed of you." Sound familiar? Maybe these words take you back to your childhood. Maybe you hear them coming from your own mouth.  You might have noticed that shame is not a popular concept in our culture. I recently watched a video on evangelism. As the pastor spoke with a wide range ofContinue reading "Shame Culture and the Gospel"

I’ve been Deleted – I Need Your Help!

January was a weird month. I got Covid, my husband almost got stranded in Mexico (due to Covid restrictions), and...my Facebook account was permanently deleted. What started as an apparent hacking ended with Facebook permanently deleting me. Forever. My appeal was denied. My Gospel-Centered Mom page is still visible, but it is a dead page.Continue reading "I’ve been Deleted – I Need Your Help!"